Site Information is a subsidiary of and is a website which provides information on traffic levels for websites. The Alexa rank is measured according to the amount of users who’ve visited a website with the Alexa toolbar installed.
Get website traffic data, contact information, and more!

Size up your competition on the Web!

* The Alexa Traffic Rank will show how popular the site is compared to yours, including Reach, Pageviews and more.
* Search Analytics will show you which terms your competition is using to get traffic.
* The Audience data will show you what kind of visitors your competition is attracting.
* The Clickstream data will show you where your competition is getting traffic from affiliate programs and partners.

Why would you want to increase your Alexa rank?

Webmasters, advertisers and ad networks use your blog’s Alexa rank as a gauge to determine the worth of a link on your website. If you depend on link or site selling as a form of monetization you’ll definitely want to increase your Alexa rank, because it’ll increase your bargaining power when it comes to ad pricing.

The Alexa Toolbar for Firefox

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* siteinfoAlexa Traffic Rank: See how popular a website is.
* relatedRelated Links: Find sites that are similar to the site you are visiting.
* waybackWayback: See how a site looked in the past.
* hoturlsHot Pages & Searches: See what's popular on the web right now.
* reviewsWebsite Reviews: See what other people thought of this site or write your own review!